Jan 25, 2021 | Limited Edition Scovie Tops
This post is the official announcement of the newest line of spinning tops from Scovie Precision Turning: the Cheaha. The Cheaha spinning top is small but packs power. It is about 1.5 inches tall and 1.5 inches in diameter, so fits nicely in your hand. It has...
Jan 18, 2021 | Anxiety, Spinning Tops, Stress Relief
Anyone who finds themselves fidgeting frequently has noticed that some types of fidgeting seem to “work” better others. There’s good reason for this. Most people who tend to fidget do it as a self-regulation mechanism. It might, for instance, relieve...
Jan 11, 2021 | Limited Edition Scovie Tops
Soon after purchasing a CNC lathe in 2020, I designed and produced my first line of CNC precision spinning tops, the Cahaba series. The series is comprised of 4 variations of a simple, elegant design intended to maximize the spinning time for a top that is small...
Jan 4, 2021 | Spinning Tops
A common question I get when I show someone a piece that I’ve made on my lathe is: How did you make this? This question gets asked regardless of what type of product, part, or component I have produced. It could be as interesting as a precision spinning top or...